Quick Facts
Organization: The County of Lennox and Addington, Ontario
iCompass Customer Since: 2013
Population: 42,000
Solution: Meeting Manager Pro
After making the transition from another vendor The County of Lennox and Addington has seen massive improvements in transparency and legislative efficiency. Deputy Clerk Tracey McKenzie says ‘Agenda Week’ is now ‘Agenda Day’ thanks to the streamlined process of submitting staff reports, compiling an agenda packet and distributing it to the public and staff.
Key Project Outcomes
- A time-savings of days in agenda preparation and distribution
- Full digital agenda packet is available for review online as opposed to just the cover sheet
- Provide the public with a comprehensive searchable database of agenda packets, minutes and supporting items
- Eliminated the costs and hassle of a courier service to transport paper agenda packets to board members. Now they get their agenda via the AgendaNotes iPad app