iCompass Customer Experience Video
Over 500 local governments rely on iCompass’ Meeting, Records, Board… WATCH VIDEO >
The Risks of Free Agenda Management Software
A well-established marketing tactic is to give something away for free so that potential customers have a chance to try.... READ MORE >
Why is Transparency Critical in Local Government?
Local citizens do their best to vet their political candidates to ensure they get public officials into office that are.... READ MORE >
How Clerks Can Apply Agenda Management for Lighter Workloads
The clerk’s desk contains a highway of important paperwork. Not too many documents circulate around a municipal government office without.... READ MORE >
Consent Agenda Template for Municipalities
The list of duties that a municipal clerk has to do far surmounts the available hours in the day to.... READ MORE >
Effective Spending Tactics for Your Municipality’s Fiscal Year Budget
Municipal governments have many bases to cover as they prepare their fiscal year budgets and make decisions about how to.... READ MORE >
What is Modern Governance?
Governance has struggled to keep pace with today’s local government landscape. The world we live in is switched on, digital.... READ MORE >
How Can Municipalities Leverage Paperless Board Meeting Software?
New digital software solutions for various industries are being invented daily. One of the wonderful things about that is that.... READ MORE >
How Local Governments Can Improve Strategic Planning
Everyone within a community has a stake in growing and building their communities to make them enjoyable places to live.... READ MORE >
The Cost of Delaying Agenda Automation
Shrinking Budgets for Local Governments, But More Responsibility Every tax dollar counts for local governments. Mounting pension commitments, infrastructure in.... READ MORE >
The Benefits of Working for Local Government
If you’re looking for a job, it’s not necessary to leave your community to find meaningful, challenging work. Working for.... READ MORE >
Navigating Canada Elections in Local Government
Most provinces hold their municipal elections on the same date every two, three or four years. Local elections are ward.... READ MORE >
Security Breach Response Plan for Local Governments
Cybersecurity experts say that it’s not if local governments will experience a security breach or ransomware event, it’s when it.... READ MORE >
What Is a City Clerk?
If you’re the kind of person who likes to work in a fast-paced office with a wide variety of duties.... READ MORE >
What Are the Primary Functions of U.S. Local Government?
A basic review of United States history will help you to recall the authority of federal, state, and local government.... READ MORE >
How to Become an Adaptable and Effective Local Government
Local government offices manage a wide variety of citizen services and needs. If you’ve ever taken a trip to your.... READ MORE >
How to Report Corruption in Local Government
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to visit Chicago, Illinois, you’re sure to have heard someone refer to this major.... READ MORE >
Incorporating Your Community’s Needs Into Your Budget Planning
Developing a local government budget is a standard, annual process. What makes the process so difficult is that it has.... READ MORE >
The Importance of Effective and Efficient Local Governments
Local governments were designed with the purpose of creating order in ways that serve the general public democratically. The general.... READ MORE >
How Your Local Government Can Ensure Compliance With U.S. Accessibility Requirements
Local governments and the services they offer to the public exist to serve citizens. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,.... READ MORE >
5 Easy Budgeting Strategies for Local Government Success
Without a doubt, one of the most important documents in local government is the budget. The annual budget gives citizens.... READ MORE >
4 Simple Ways for Governments to Be More Environmentally Friendly
If you’ve made a personal commitment to saving energy and maintaining a greener earth, you might also consider the benefits.... READ MORE >
How to Approach Local Government Budgeting Effectively
Local governments are accountable to multiple entities and individuals, which is important to the concept of democracy. Local citizens faithfully.... READ MORE >
The History and Scope of the City Clerk’s Role
You may be surprised to learn that the city clerk’s role is one of the two oldest public servant professions,.... READ MORE >
Understanding Key Leadership Roles in Local Government
The leadership roles in local government are largely based on the needs of the community. Some of the departments in.... READ MORE >
The Value of Clerk Succession Planning
A little-known fact about municipal clerks is that, from a historical perspective, town clerks were one of the first positions.... READ MORE >
Strategies for Retaining Organizational Knowledge Within Your Municipality
Baby boomers make up the bulk of today’s workforce in nearly every category of employment. As baby boomers near retirement.... READ MORE >
How Municipal Elections Are Conducted in Texas
Each state in our union has its own rules for how to run elections at every level of government. The.... READ MORE >
Municipal Meeting Agenda Sample
The agenda for a municipal council meeting is the main tool that provides a solid structure for a productive meeting..... READ MORE >
Run a Leaner Local Government in 6 Easy Steps
Operating on a lean budget is a concern for nearly every local government. If you look deeply enough, you’ll find.... READ MORE >
5 Core Strategies for Managing Municipal Meetings Effectively
Municipal meetings provide a public forum in which elected officials, government staff and citizens come together to develop and maintain.... READ MORE >
A Clerk’s Guide to Getting Council and Staff Using a Paperless Agenda
I started my position as an assistant in Corporate Administration at the City of Revelstoke in the summer of 2009. .... READ MORE >
The Ins and Outs of Local Canadian Government Structures
Local Canadian government structures have their own history and nuances. Under the federal government, Canada has regional, provincial and local government.... READ MORE >
The Importance of Data Storage Security and Meeting Accessibility for Local Governments
Local government workers and officials take on huge responsibilities for protecting the public’s data and allowing citizens’ insight into the.... READ MORE >
Meeting Minutes Template for Municipal Clerks
As often as meetings take place, you might think that there would be a solid format and template for taking.... READ MORE >
How Local Government Leaders Can Stay Connected Through LeadOn
Are you a local government leader who’s had a problem at work and felt like you had no one to.... READ MORE >
Choosing a Board Portal: Why Compliance and Security Matter
Compliance and security are components of good governance. In today’s society, the issues of governance, risk and compliance are becoming.... READ MORE >
The Benefits of Meeting Management Software for City Managers
Local government offices are a haven of bustling activity. That’s one of many things that makes them such an exciting.... READ MORE >
Why You Need Municipal Agenda Software With Industry-Leading Customer Service
Municipal governments function best when they have the right tools to do the job and they have the proper amount.... READ MORE >
Common Pain Points for City Clerks and How Technology Can Help
The job of the city clerk comes with a lot of pain points, but being bored on the job isn’t.... READ MORE >
3 ‘Outside of the Box’ Ideas to Become More Efficient at Handling Public Requests
It happens all the time – a member of your community phones City Hall looking for something, or wanting to.... READ MORE >
5 Tips to Balance Work, Play and Career Development at Your Next Conference
Clerk Conferences are one of the highlights of the year. Whether it’s a regional conference or the IIMC, there are.... READ MORE >
How City Managers Can Increase Transparency With the Right Technology
City managers know that closing the gap between government and citizens brings communities closer together. They realize that this is.... READ MORE >
The Dangers of Insecure Municipal Board Communications
The media continues to find no shortage of material for stories on data breaches. What’s different about recent stories is.... READ MORE >
6 Tips to Improve Your Professional Presence and Gain More Influence as a Clerk
As a Municipal Clerk you are always on. Whether at the office, at the monument dedication, or even at the.... READ MORE >
Choosing a Government Management Solution That Works for Your Board
If you’re a city clerk, city manager or council member, and you’ve been using manual systems for a long time,.... READ MORE >
How to Increase Public Engagement with the Right Meeting Management Solution
Is anybody actually reading these public notices in newspapers? And if they are, you can’t expect the average person to.... READ MORE >
Why Transparency is Key for Local Government Boards
People are inherently mistrustful. It’s common for people to be even more mistrustful of governmental entities. The economic crisis has.... READ MORE >
How Clerks Can Structure a Meeting Agenda to Drive Efficiency
An agenda is a written plan for a meeting that outlines topics for board discussion and formats them in the.... READ MORE >
The Importance of Complying With Section 508 for Local Government Boards
Municipal boards should be aware of all state, federal and local laws that affect them, either directly or indirectly. Section.... READ MORE >
Why Your Government Should Adopt a Paperless Solution
Digitization has been growing continuously in every industry. It’s safe to say that technology is here to stay, and for.... READ MORE >
The Top Five Things to Look For in an Agenda Management Solution
If you ask any municipal clerk what their number-one challenge is, they are likely to tell you that it’s simply.... READ MORE >
Municipal Boards: Best Practices for Adopting Technology
The public has long relied on mailings and newsletters to learn about all the happenings with their local governments. In.... READ MORE >
How to Get Younger Citizens Engaged in Your Meetings
Scott Resnick of Madison, Wisconsin, was elected as an alderperson at the age of 24, making him the youngest alderperson.... READ MORE >
How to Reduce Your Workload as a Clerk
If your work schedule suddenly granted you a couple of extra hours in the day, what would you want to.... READ MORE >
How to Manage Multiple Board and Commission Meetings Effectively
As you’re driving to work, you mentally remind yourself of all the tasks that you didn’t get finished the day.... READ MORE >
Video Manager: 5 Things You Need to Know
Open meeting acts were the first step toward transparency in government. These laws allowed the public to gain entrance to.... READ MORE >
Our Survey Shows the Top-Five Issues That Keep Local Government Officials Awake at Night
Citizens seek positions in local government for various reasons. It’s a chance to work collaboratively with others in the community.... READ MORE >
Strategies to Reduce Your Board Meeting Workload
It may surprise you to learn exactly how much time board members spend on board duties. According to the 2015-2016.... READ MORE >
How to Smoothly Transition New Board Members into Your Meetings
Serving as a municipal board member is a mutually rewarding experience. It’s an opportunity for board members to be a.... READ MORE >
How to Save Time With Your Council Meeting Minutes
If you’re a municipal clerk, you may have found yourself thinking, “The task of taking council meeting minutes isn’t hard,.... READ MORE >
Four Strategies for Small Local Governments to Close the Digital Gap
When we see a gap, we naturally want to fill it or build a bridge to cross over to the.... READ MORE >
Building Relationships With Citizens in the Digital Age
Governments and private businesses differ in many obvious ways, but one thing that local governments and businesses share undoubtedly is.... READ MORE >
Alnwick-Haldimand, ON Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Township of Alnwick-Haldimand, Ontario iCompass Customer Since: 2007… WATCH VIDEO >
Issaquah, WA Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Issaquah, Washington Population: 34,000 iCompass Customer Since:… WATCH VIDEO >
Alnwick-Haldimand, ON Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Township of Alnwick-Haldimand, Ontario iCompass Customer Since: 2007… WATCH VIDEO >
Walker, MI Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: The City of Walker, Michigan iCompass Customer Since:… WATCH VIDEO >
Kodiak Island Borough, AK Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska iCompass Customer Since: 2011… WATCH VIDEO >
County of Lennox and Addington, ON Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: The County of Lennox and Addington, Ontario… WATCH VIDEO >
Plant City, FL Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Plant City, Florida iCompass Customer Since: 2012 Population:… WATCH VIDEO >
Waxhaw, NC Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Town of Waxhaw, North Carolina iCompass Customer Since:… WATCH VIDEO >
City of Fort Dodge, IA Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: City of Fort Dodge, Iowa iCompass Customer Since:… WATCH VIDEO >
Plainfield Charter Township, MI Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Plainfield Charter Township iCompass Customer Since: 2015 Population: 31,000… WATCH VIDEO >
Huron Charter Township, MI Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Huron Charter Township iCompass Customer Since: 2014 Population:… WATCH VIDEO >
Rehoboth Beach, DE Customer Success Story Story
Quick Facts Organization: The City of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware iCompass… WATCH VIDEO >
Trent Lakes, ON Customer Success Story Video
Quick Facts Organization: Municipality of Trent Lakes, Ontario iCompass Customer Since:… WATCH VIDEO >
Five Ways Local Governments Can Look Inward to Be More Environmentally Friendly
“Going green”. It’s a concept so often discussed that people often expect a lecture whenever those words come up in.... READ MORE >
Revealed: The True Cost of Paper-Based Agenda Systems
The 3rd annual iCompass’ Municipal Clerks survey was done to help provide better visibility into the key trends and challenges.... READ MORE >
Feeling the Pressure: Local Governments React to New Transparency Mandates
Before the Internet of Things, smartphones, computers, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and all the apps and services that we take for.... READ MORE >
What Does It Take to Better Demonstrate Value as a Clerk?
Clerks play a major role in all aspects of a municipal government. They are often the main point of contact.... READ MORE >
3 Transparency Tips from the County of Lennox and Addington
In our recent webinar Bringing Information to the People: Transparency Tips for Small/Mid Sized Local Governments, we had a great.... READ MORE >
Retaining Organizational Knowledge: An Urgent Issue for Local Government Leaders
When municipal clerks change jobs or retire, local governments can lose much of the valuable organizational knowledge they need to.... READ MORE >
Transparency through technology: Scalable, cost-effective and achievable now
If local governments are not investing in technology that makes data more available to the public, they are not investing.... READ MORE >
Run a lean government: Don’t let budget constraints force you to cut critical services
Many local governments today face a difficult dilemma: how to stretch a reduced budget to meet the growing demand for.... READ MORE >
Getting the Most Out of Your Agenda Management Team
How important is a Municipal Clerk to the effective management of a local government? In our recent North America Wide.... READ MORE >
New Job, New Municipality – Managing Change as a Clerk
With every new job comes an apprehension of what challenges lie ahead. We all have some reservations or fears of.... READ MORE >