When we see a gap, we naturally want to fill it or build a bridge to cross over to the other side. Many people know about the concept of digital exclusion and how it affects people, but how can we all help close this gap and allow everyone to enjoy the benefits of technology? There is a consistent pattern of higher income families owning more technology devices and accessing the internet more often than families with lower incomes. What about the digital gap between cities with larger revenue and cities with smaller revenue? How can smaller municipalities work to catch up to their larger … [Read more...] about Four Strategies for Small Local Governments to Close the Digital Gap
Building Relationships With Citizens in the Digital Age
Governments and private businesses differ in many obvious ways, but one thing that local governments and businesses share undoubtedly is the goal to keep their customers happy. For businesses, the consumer is the paying customer but for municipal governments, consumers are of course the citizens. Keeping a close relationship with local residents and maintaining trust is crucial. Fortunately, with the tools available today, managing these relationships can be a smooth and painless process. The necessity of engaging with citizens lies in the desire to provide them better services. Personal … [Read more...] about Building Relationships With Citizens in the Digital Age
Five Ways Local Governments Can Look Inward to Be More Environmentally Friendly
"Going green". It’s a concept so often discussed that people often expect a lecture whenever those words come up in conversation. Especially for those working in local government. Protecting your community’s environment through public transportation and recycling programs is commendable, but local governments can also look inward at their day-to-day operations for ways to reduce their consumption of energy, paper, and greenhouse gasses, all while saving money for their organizations. Municipal governments need to set an example for citizens by making City Hall as ‘green’ as possible. … [Read more...] about Five Ways Local Governments Can Look Inward to Be More Environmentally Friendly
Revealed: The True Cost of Paper-Based Agenda Systems
The 3rd annual iCompass' Municipal Clerks survey was done to help provide better visibility into the key trends and challenges in this key local government position. Whether you are a City Manager or Clerk, these findings could change the way you see your organization, and help better inform budgetary decisions for improvements in the Clerk’s Department. You'll find some of the key results below. How Much Time Do Clerks Spend on Legislative Duties? iCompass’ 3rd Annual Municipal Clerks Survey found Clerks dedicate 51% of their work-hours to legislative duties, such as meeting minutes, … [Read more...] about Revealed: The True Cost of Paper-Based Agenda Systems
Feeling the Pressure: Local Governments React to New Transparency Mandates
Before the Internet of Things, smartphones, computers, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and all the apps and services that we take for granted today, government transparency looked very different. But with technological advancements, citizens expects new levels of online access to government information, and to be able to find that information whenever it suits their needs. While local government transparency has always been important, there have been recent surges of pressure from state-level governments. This means local government organizations of all sizes and budgets are being forced to … [Read more...] about Feeling the Pressure: Local Governments React to New Transparency Mandates
What Does It Take to Better Demonstrate Value as a Clerk?
Clerks play a major role in all aspects of a municipal government. They are often the main point of contact for citizens that have questions about the community. After all, as the historian of the community, they know the ins and outs better than almost anyone else at their organization. Yet so many Clerks we talk to don’t feel confident in a leadership role, driving change or having their voice heard. Because the day-to-day activities of a Clerk can vary, often times the public, council members and other staff are unclear about a Clerk’s role in local government. It’s for this reason that … [Read more...] about What Does It Take to Better Demonstrate Value as a Clerk?